My Country Essay

Introduction: With the passage of time and a century every nation” changes to some extent. The country achieves success or makes itself developed through working hard in a very much planned and practical way. Coping with time and century, we have already entered a new millennium.
Most of the countries of the world in the meantime have taken their own strategy to face the odds of the new millennium for changing a lot of the people and developing of the country.
History: Bangladesh is a small country in South Asia. It was under a colonial rule for 200 years. It became independent in 1971 through Liberation War. During 1971-1990 we had little political stability. Bangladesh includes in the list of least developed countries.
So as a poor country she faces more problems than the world does in the new millennium. The problems and prospects of Bangladesh in the new millennium may be the following.
Poverty: Poverty means pauperism, a situation for which man cannot meet the basic needs of life. It also means a situation where the living standard of the people is below normal. Poverty is a basic problem of Bangladesh. She is one of the poorest countries of the world. So, it is clear that poverty is going to be one of the great problems of Bangladesh in the new millennium.
If we do not remove poverty there would be no development In this situation the government has taken various measures to eliminate poverty from the country. Side by side the non-government organizations are also engaged in various programs for poverty alleviation.
Electricity: Electricity is an indispensable part of modern life. Proper supply of electricity is a pre-condition for economic development of any country. In the new millennium, we are looking for alternative sources. Bangladesh has a long history of the shortage of electricity. 1994, we had 134 days of load shedding for 434 hours.
Then the maximum shortage was 520 MW and the minimum was 29 MW. In January-June 1997 we had 174 days of power shortages and load-shedding occurred for 2165 hours.
This has now slightly improved in the first of new millennium. In the fifth Five Year Plan, the government has planned to increase power generation capacity to 5132 MW. This is nearly 53 percent increasing If we successfully implement the Fifth Five Year Plan. Bangladesh would like to achieve a 7 percent growth rate in the economy ensuring our development activities in the new millennium.
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An urban country: Bangladesh is mainly a rural country. More than 80% of her population living in villages. But in the new millennium, it is going to be an urban country. As cities offer more opportunities for employment, business, education, health, and other amenities more and more, the rural people are to migrate to the cities. Population growth, shortage of cultivable land, natural calamities like river erosion, flood etc. are the main causes of migration to the cities. It is high time in the new millennium to take Stian necessary steps to control urban migration.
In the field of information technology: Information Technology is a part of our life in the new millennium. We cannot think of our modern life without it. In order to get better services and more benefits from the new millennium, the government of Bangladesh is going to set up an information technology village very close to Dhaka city. This would be similar to the software technology parks in India. The future of information technology in Bangladesh is bright.
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology secured the 24th position in the reputed universities in the USA. In the ACM programming contest on the Internet, the performance of Bangladesh, particularly from (BUET) performed better than those from other countries.
In Agriculture: Bangladesh is mainly agricultural land. More than 80% of her people depend on agriculture. Agriculture will be another thrust area in the new millennium. At present, our agriculture is facing the number of problems such as rising salinity, declining soil fertility, soil erosion in the hills etc.
It is high time to take the necessary steps to improve the agricultural section. Otherwise, we fail to face impending new millennium problems. In this situation, high varieties may become the best choice of the new millennium like a country Bangladesh.
Foreign Investment: Bangladesh is a country which badly needs foreign investment for her rapid economic growth and development. Foreign investment helps supply necessary capital to set up industries, ensure the quality of production. The domestic market of the country where investment is made is expended.
New millennium opens a new chapter for investment. The Bangladesh government has taken various steps to attract foreign voltmeters in Agriculture, Fisheries, Agro-based Industries, Leather, Textile, Tourism, Energy etc. The prospects of investment acility of Bangladesh in the new millennium is bright.
Conclusion: New millennium has opened a new chapter for every country. We expect that Bangladesh will march ahead with the world community for achieving the goal. For this object, we have to be honest and sincere in our every step of action. The politicians can make their supreme sacrifice in this regard to ensure peace and prosperity in all spheres of national life.
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